Research Progress

[21-09-2015]Progress in Transmitted HIV-1 Drug Resistance

Recently, the research group led by Prof. Rongge Yang, as the only Chinese team, has made important progress in research on transmitted HIV-1 Drug Resistance with other international experts on HIV/AIDS. The research paper, Geographic and Temporal Trends in the Molecular Epidemiology and Genetic Mechanisms of Transmitted HIV-1 Drug Resistance: An Individual-patient-and sequence-level meta-analy...

[23-01-2015]Progress in structure and function of flavivirus replication protein NS5

In the past two years, the collaborative research teams led by Prof. Peng Gong and Prof. Bo Zhang have published three papers focusing on the regulation between the methyltranferase and polymerase modules of flavivirus NS5. Since the report of the first flavivirus NS5 methyltransferase crystal structure (EMBO J 2002), scientists have made tremendous efforts in getting a full-length structure al...

[08-10-2014]Research Advances on Viral Suppression of Innate Immunity

Recently, the research group led by Prof. Hualin Wang and Prof. Zhihong Hu from WIV has made important progress on viral immune evasion strategies, results of which have been published in Journal of Molecular Cell Biology (5-Yr impact factor: 8.953; Ning et al., 2014). Innate immune system is the first line of host defense against pathogen infections. Recent studies have suggested that mitochon...

[08-10-2014]An Authentic Mouse Model of Persistent Hepatitis C Virus Infection Becomes Available

Researchers from WIV and Institute of Biophysics, CAS, published a cover story on Cell Research, titled Persistent hepatitis C virus infections and hepatopathologicalmanifestations in immune-competent humanized mice, which reported the world's first immune-competent humanized mice that allow the natural infection of HCV.Almost 40 years ago, HCV was identified by researchers in NIH. There are ab...